Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Top 10 WordPress SEO Plugins

1. Platinum SEO plugin


It's an ultimate WordPress SEO plugin offering most popular features. Some of the exclusive features of the Platinum SEO plugin includes optimizing post and page titles for search engines. It generates SEO relevant meta tags automatically. With the plugin you can add meta description and meta keywords tags to Wordpress Categories and Wordpress Tag pages. It allows you to add index, noindex, follow or nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet, noodp, noydir meta tags to any post/page. Further, you can change your permalink from your admin panel without worrying about loss of page rank or google penalty.


2. Google XML Sitemaps


Using this plugin you can create Google sitemaps compliant XML-Sitemap for your blog. It not only supports all the WOrdPress generated pages, but also the custom ones that you create. Each time you edit or create the post your sitemap would be updated. All the major search engines like, Google, MSN Search and YAHOO will be able to read the sitemap.


3. All in one SEO Pack


This is a one of the most handy pack Wordpress SEO plugin that allows you to control the meta descriptions and page titles. It also allows you to tag posts with categories. The pack includes most efficient SEO plugins that enables you to perform most SEO functions. Some of its key features are canonical URLs, automatic optimization of titles for search engines, generate meta tags automatically and fine tune page navigational links.


4. SEO Friendly Images

SEO Friendly Images is a Wordpress optimization plugin which automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes. If your images do not have ALT and TITLE already set, SEO Friendly Images will add them according the options you set. Additionally this makes the post W3C/xHTML valid as well.


5. Redirection


With this WordPress SEO plugin you can manage up to 301 re-directions. What's more you can monitor the 404 errors. This would allow you to manage all the loose ends of your site. Redirection can be a quite useful if you are migrating pages from an old website, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation.


6. Robot Meta


This SEO plugin provides you the easiest way to add meta robots tags to the WordPress pages. It prevents the indexing of the search result pages, but still allows the search engines to follow the links on them. Robot Meta plugin disallows indexing of the subpages to your homepage, category pages, author pages and tag pages, to prevent duplicate content.


7. WP Backlinks


With this plugin you can easily trade and manage backlinks on a weblog. It provides a form on the side navigation of your webblog that the weblog owners would have to fill out, providing details and the url of the weblog article that has a link to your site. Filling the form will ensure that WP Backlinks would spider that page and make sure that they put a link to the weblog on that page. WP Backlinks will also log the page rank of that page. Further, in the admin section you would have to approve any new links to be displayed on yourweblog. This would ensure that you don't have any inappropriate links going on the weblog.


8. Automatic SEO Links


There may have been several instances when you forgot to put links manually. With Automatic SEO Links you can choose a word and a URL and this plugin will replace all the matches in your blog post. For each link you can set - title, target and rel. Additionally, you will be able to know how many times a word has been changed. If the WordPress plugin finds more of once the same word in a post, it will only change the first one. This is to avoid black seo and inconveniences to the users.


9. Simple SEO for paged comment

Typically, WordPress generates duplicate content with the paged comments. This SEO plugin has been designed to fix this in two steps. It replaces content by an excerpt with a link on paged comments and sets an unique title for each page of comments.


10. SEO Smart Link


This WordPress plugin automates SEO for your site in addition to custom keywords lists, nofollow and other facilities. It automatically links keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding pages, posts, categories and tags on your blog.

Tips on Choosing a Good Domain Name

Before you rush out and choose your domain name or name your website, you might want to consider the following points:

1. Your Domain Name Should Be Your Website Name

Naming your site after your domain may seem obvious to some of you, but you'll be surprised to learn that not every website is named after the domain name even when the webmaster owns that domain name.

Naming a site after its domain name is important, for the simple reason that when people think of your website, they'll think of it by name. If your name is also your URL, they'll automatically know where to go. For example, when people think of, they don't have to wonder what URL to type into their browser to get there. The name of the site is also the URL.

Imagine if your business (or website) is called "Acme", but somebody else holds that domain name. Instead, you have some obscure domain name called, say, "". What happens when your customers, recalling that Acme has a product they want, type ""? They'll wind up at your competitor's website. One lost sale.

In the modern world of the Internet, where people automatically turn to the Web for information, it pays to have a domain name that reflects your site or business. There are just fewer things for your customers or visitors to remember. Moreover, you don't seriously think that they'll try to memorise an unrelated URL just because you want them to, do you? The only people who'll memorise it are you and your competitors who want to compare your prices.

What if you cannot get the domain name of your choice? It really depends on how committed you are to that particular name. If you have an existing brand name that you're known for, you'll probably not want to ditch that name just because you couldn't get the domain name. After all, it took you a lot of time and money to establish that name. If so, you might simply want to try to buy over the domain name from the current owner. Check up the "whois" information for the domain, and contact that person listed to see if they're willing to sell it. You probably should be aware that they are likely to want to charge a higher fee than you'll normally get when buying new domains (assuming they want to sell it in the first place).

On the other hand, if you're just starting out, you might prefer the cheaper alternative of trying to obtain a domain name first, and then naming your website (or business) after the domain that you've acquired. So if you've acquired, say, the domain name "", then your website and business might be named "Acme" or "". I know this seems a bit like putting the cart before the horse, but that's the reality if you don't want to lose out on the Internet.

2. Generic Names Or Brand Name Domains?

I know that a number of people seem to think that your domain name really must be some generic name like "" if you are selling cars. Witness, for example, how much money those generic names are being sold for. But seriously, if you were looking for a car, you'll probably already have some brands in mind, and you're more like to try out things like or rather than just

For that reason, I personally feel that a domain name that matches your brand name is very important. The very name that you use to advertise your product is the name that you will want for your domain, because that is the first thing that people will try in their browser. It is also the easiest thing for them to remember, and whatever that is easily remembered, will be more likely to be tried out than the obscure domain name.

3. Long or Short Domain Names?

Domain names can be of any length up to 67 characters. You don't have to settle for an obscure domain name like when what you mean is

Having said that, there appears to be some disagreement about whether a long or short domain name is better.

Some argue that shorter domain names are easier to remember, easier to type and far less susceptible to mistakes: for example, "" is easier to remember and less prone to typos than "".

Others argue that a longer domain name is usually easier on the human memory - for example, "" is a sequence of unrelated letters that is difficult to remember and type correctly, whereas if we expand it to its long form, "", we are more likely to remember the domain name.

Some of these arguments are actually academic. It's increasingly difficult to get short meaningful domain names. I have not checked, but I'm fairly certain that names like "" and "" have long been sold. If you manage to get a short domain name though, the key is to make sure it's a meaningful combination of characters and not the obscure "" in my contrived example above.

Long domain names that have your site keywords in them also have an advantage in that they fare better in a number of search engines. The latter give preference to keywords that are also found in your domain names. So, for example, if you have a site on free C++ compilers with a domain name like, it might fare better in a search for "free C++ compilers" than my other site,

Which would I go for? I'd go for the shorter name if I can get a meaningful one, but I'm not averse to longer names. However, I would probably avoid extremely long names verging on 67 characters. Aside from the obvious problem that people might not be able to remember such a long name, it would also be a chore typing it and trying to fit it as a title on your web page.

4. Hyphenated Names?

Should you get a hyphenated name? There are a few things to consider here:

a. Disadvantage: It's easy to forget the hyphens when typing a name. Many users are used to typing things like but not They'll probably leave out the hyphens and wind up at your competitor's site.

b. Disadvantage: When people recommend your site to their friends verbally, having hyphens in your domain name leads to more potential errors than when the name does not contain hyphens. For example, how do you think your visitors will refer to your site if it is named ""? They might say, "I visited Acme Book and Videos dot com yesterday. It was fabulous." Their friends, remembering that comment later, might type into their browsers "". Oops.

c. Disadvantage: It's a pain in the neck to type. Enough said.

d. Advantage: Search engines can distinguish your keywords better and thus return your site more prominently in search results for those keywords occurring in your domain name.

e. Advantage: The non-hyphenated form may no longer be available. At least this way, you still get the domain name you want.

Personally, I prefer to avoid hyphenated names if I can, but I guess it really depends on your domain name and your situation.

5. Plurals, "The", and "My" Forms of the Domain Name

Very often, if you can't get the domain name you want, the domain name registrar will suggest alternate forms of the name you typed. For example, if you wanted, and it was taken (of course it is), it might suggest forms like:

and the like, if they were not already taken as well. The question is, should you take them?

My personal opinion is that if you take the "the..." and "my..." forms of the domain name, you must always remember to promote your site with the full form of the name. Otherwise, people are likely to forget to affix the necessary "the" or "my". For that reason, I always advertise my sites as "" and "" in their full domain name forms, rather than just "Free Country" or "Site Wizard" (without the article).

On the other hand, I would not take the plural form of the domain name (eg, if I cannot also get "", since the chance of the visitor failing to type the "s" in the name is very great. Think about the famous name tussle between and Many people wanting to go to were apparently going to instead. If it happened to them, it can happen to you too.

6. COM, ORG, NET, etc?

One common question I encounter is from people who can't get the ".com" domain of their choice, but find the ".net", ".org" or other country-specific top level domains (TLDs) available (like .de, .nu, .sg, etc). Should they try for these?

The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. If your website or business caters to the local community, such as a pizza delivery business or recruitment agency or the like, then it makes sense to get a country-specific domain. You actually benefit from having such a local domain because the people in your country know that they're dealing with a local entity, which is what they want. After all, if they stay in (say) the United Kingdom, they're not likely to want to try to order pizza from, which suggests a US or an international site. You'll have better luck calling it, ie, with a UK domain.

What if yours is a site or business that can benefit from an international audience? There are actually many schools of thought on this. I'll just mention a few common ones.

The first school of thought goes on the premise that it is better to have a domain name of your choice "myperfectdomain" even if it has a TLD of ".net", ".org" or some other country specific extension, than to wind up choosing an obscure domain name for the simple reason you can't get your first choice. Thus they would settle for domain names like "" or "" or whatever. Against this is the argument that if you get a country specific domain, people might think that your business only caters to that country.

Another school of thought finds that ".net" and ".org" extensions are actually quite acceptable domain names. For some, the ".org" extension actually describes the non-profit nature of their organisation. So, for example, the famous Apache web server can be found at "".

Others settle for the ".com" extension and no less. As grounds for their arguments, they cite the browser algorithms used to locate a website when a user simply types a name like "acme" into the browser. Apparently, the browser searches for a domain name "" before attempting "", etc. As such, people who do that will be delivered to your competitor's site if you do not also own the ".com" extension. Indeed, even if people do not rely on their browser to complete their typing, many simply assume a ".com" extension when they type a domain name, so if your business is "Acme", they'll just assume your domain name is "" rather than "" or some other such name.

As you can see, there are actually good grounds for accepting any of the above views. My personal footnote to the above arguments is that if you get a domain name with an extension other than ".com", make sure that you promote your business or website with the full domain name. For example, if your domain name is "", make sure that when you advertise your site or business, call it "" not "dogandcatfood". Otherwise people will assume a ".com" extension and travel to the wrong place.

7. In Conclusion...

In case the forest got lost in the trees (or the reverse) in my arguments here, let me reiterate the main point of this article: get that domain name before you start your site or business.

Don't make the mistake of attempting to retrofit your domain name to your business or website. did not originally start out with that name, and I encountered a huge hassle (and lost visitors) as a result of the URL changes. Don't make that mistake too.

Top 10 Directories for SEO

While directories are not as beneficial as they used to be they are still a good foundation for link building campaigns. Below is list of the top 10 SEO friendly directories that pass on PageRank to your site, thereby increasing your PR.

1. Librarians’ Internet Index (PR9)- A very high-quality free link, but very difficult to get. Websites must go through a thorough review and must contain alot of informative content.

2. DMOZ (PR8)- The Open Directory Project is a great authority link and its free. Unfortunately it can take up to a year to be indexed depending on the editor for the category you are submitting to. Don’t keep resubmitting your site, it only puts you at the end of the line.

3. Yahoo Directory (PR8)- Another great authority link if your site is not commercial inclusion is free but can be slow. Commercial listings are $299 a year.

4. (PR7)- Great link for business sites submission cost $299 a year make sure to get the standard listing not the PPC which is a redirected link.

5. Best of the Web (PR7)- Free link for non-commercial sites. Otherwise its $69.95 a year or $199.95 for a permanent link. Many of BOTW’s category pages have high Google Page Rank without that many outgoing links making this a solid backlink.

6. (PR6)- $39.99 one-time fee, free for editors guaranteed review within two business days.

7. The Hot VS. Not Directory (PR6)- High Page rank directory $60 for a year $200 for a permanent link.

8. Directory World (PR5)- Professional web directory for 24.95 annually.

9. GoGuides (PR5)- Websites are instantly included $69.95 per site.

10. Rubber Stamped (PR4)- Solid link from an up and coming directory $29.95 one time review fee.

Top 10 SEO Extensions For Joomla 1.5

Many of us have found Joomla to be one of the best options for building websites quickly and easily for a variety of industries. This is because it’s ease of use, has many plugins, and its scalability has earned great applause. Unfortunately, Joomla is a little backward SEO wise, and makes it difficult for your content to rank well. Never fear, we have listed here 10 great plugins we have used on clients sites and seen great results. So make 2010 a year of SEO zen with your Joomla website. Please keep in mind that these plugins are somewhat exclusive, while some can be combined, others cannot. Proceed with caution.

1. RS SEO- This great component does a number of invaluable SEO tasks including: crawl your website and index all the pages, modify the Meta Keywords, Meta description and Title on the fly, grade each page for SEO effectiveness, create Google and Yahoo! sitemaps, constantly monitor your competitors and compare them to you, monitor important keyword positions, and set permanent redirects for old links.

2. iJoomla SEO- Another great full featured component with a plethora of SEO features including: position of keywords in Google, use of h1, h2, h3 tags instead of contentheading tag, individual metatag control per page, automatic linking based on keyword, 301 redirects, ability to add nofollows to links (or leave dofollow, if you prefer), and image seo optimization.

3. SEF Service Map 2 (with PingBack system)- This component creates a complete XML sitemap of your site which it then uses to actively report (ping) new or modified items to Google, Yahoo, and other services. (Pinging is one of the tools that makes WordPress so AWESOME for SEO!) Thanks to that, indexing robots (spiders) will visit your site much more often and the site can index itself without your further activity. Make sure to sign up with Google Webmaster, Yahoo Site Explorer, and Bing Webmaster Center to tell these services the location of your sitemap.

4. sh404SEF This component adds search engine friendly url’s to Joomla but is much more robust than the built in SEF. sh404SEF lets you create unlimited short URLs for any page, remove duplicate URLs, customize the page title and page description, automatically emphasize all your article titles with “Heading tags,” spam and hacker management, and IP blocking. It also works with or without .htaccess support.

5. Joomla 1.5 SEO Patch- This patch solves the issues in regards of the settings within the html head section of your Joomla pages. The patch allows you to gain fully control over the META and title settings in the http header settings in Joomla 1.5 generated pages.

6. SEO Canonicalisation Plugin- SEO Canonicalisation is a system plugin for Joomla! 1.5 that enables site ‘canonicalisation’, which means that when a user hits your site from another domain than your preferred (for example, instead of, Joomla! will redirect the user to the appropriate hostname. Previously this would have to be accomplished by adding a .htaccess rewrite rule to handle the redirect.

7. SEOSimple- This simple Joomla 1.5 plugin takes the starting chunk of text from the page content and applies that as the value for the meta description tag in the page head. Search engines often use a Web page’s meta description in the SERPs, and as such it is important that these meta descriptions have relevant text related to the page content.

8. J!Redirect301- This extension works just as it sounds. The plugin 301 redirects your domains to one domain so that only one version of your site is indexed and also can be used to redirect individual pages to a new a page so search engine results are not lost.

9. Website Name- This Joomla 1.5 plugin displays the Website name in the page title. This is useful for SEO purposes, because it shows relationship between pages of your site. You can choose to display it before or after the Content Title.

10. GD SEO Verify- This nifty little plugin makes verifying your sites at Google Webmaster, Yahoo Site Explorer, and Bing Webmaster Center much easier on the backend of Joomla.

how to get traffic to your blog

In this article, as the title implies, I discuss different ways to generate traffic to your site. I’m going to start off with the assumption that you know nothing about internet marketing, traffic building, SEO, and social marketing. Even if you already know some (or even a lot) about these things, I’m sure this article will still be a valuable read. My goal is to provide you with a launching point; there is tons of stuff you can build on in this article. It should provide you with ample material and information to begin and boost traffic to your site, whether it’s a first-week site, or a four-year-old competitive blog. Also, when talking about social sites, I try to outline general principles so that you can take them and apply them to a wide range of sites. So, on to the content.

Why Do People Even Come to Your Site?

The internet is a truly amazing technology. It allows us to share information with others, and, more importantly, to make money from the comfort of home. But before you can make any money, you’re going to need people to come to your site; traffic.

If you’re new to building traffic, it may seem like a really big, really confusing world. It’s hard to know where to start, and even if you have been trying to build traffic for a long time, you are probably always looking for more ways to increase the numbers.

First off, generating masses of traffic really isn’t a magical thing that only a few people know how to do. There isn’t a god of internet who sits in a server on the France/Switzerland border dealing out huge amounts to certain lucky (and random) sites, and taking away traffic from other sites. Getting traffic is much more scientific. Here’s my formula for traffic Generation:

Unique, Quality content + Lots of Hard Work = Lots of Quality Traffic

Now of course, you have to know what to work on. But that’s why I’m writing this article.

One thing that I can’t stress enough is the need for quality content. This is probably the most key point to traffic generation. If something is interesting, unique, and informative, people will want to read it. That’s why the internet was invented, to share information. If you realize that people are looking for information, and you give them what they’re looking for, then all you have to do is get the word out about your content, and people will come.

Now of course, if you’re selling a product, the same basic principles hold true. If you have a unique and quality product, all you have to do is tell people about that and they’ll be happy to buy.

So if someone comes to your site, he is probably looking for information on some topic or another. If you can offer him that information, you are all set.

The Two Basic Traffic Sources of the Internet

There are two sources of traffic on the internet. These are the search engines, and the social sites. There are many other minor sources, but none make much of an impact on anything. They just give you a random visit here and there.

These two methods of traffic generation are becoming more and more integrated. Search engines rank sites according to content and links. Social sites give out TONS of links. It’s a pretty simple conclusion that social sites are a major benefit to SEO. Now, on to some specific strategies for building traffic via SEO, and more importantly, Social Sites.

Social Sites Strategies

If you don’t really know anything about social sites, it can be very hard to know where to even begin, let alone WHAT to begin. The world of social sites is growing, actually, it’s more than growing, it’s exploding at an exponential rate. I don’t know the exact statistics, but at the very least, multiple new sites pop up every day.

(1) Invest in the future. Here is my long term investment strategy: become an authority on small, relatively new sites. Why? Because the internet and the number of people who use social sites is expanding so quickly, in a year or two, small sites have the potential to be as big as stumbleupon, digg,, and reddit are now. Of course, it would be stupid not to exploit the power of these 800 pound gorillas now, but I also like to invest in the future traffic of my site.

(2) Build a large network of friends. The best strategy in social sites is to build a large network of friends. Even if this means an "I’ll add you, you add me" approach, it’s worth it. Once you build a network of friends, you have your authority spread out through a site; you essentially have roots that help you to grow the tree of traffic to your site. Generally, the more friends you have, the more internal links you have planted somewhere in the site, giving you more authority in the eyes of the site. So just get down and sludge through a site, getting anyone you can to be your friend. This is a major point, especially in big sites (more below).

(3) How do you get your stuff shared or bookmarked? You give people good content. It seems obvious, but sometimes the obvious is the most hard to see: people are looking for good content when they go on these sites, so if you give them what they’re looking for, then they’ll give you their support. Don’t even bother to bookmark or share average or trash material, because it will get you nowhere, and it will be a waste of time. Here are 5 things that people tend to bookmark or share:

-Funny or disgusting. Let’s face it, your average internet surfer is probably looking for a way to pass the time. People like to laugh, and they like to be grossed out (I don’t know why, but think about it, it’s true). He’s trying to entertain himself. If you give him entertainment, he’ll support you.
-Truly useful information. People actually look for information. If you can offer useful, fresh information to someone, he will appreciate that and support you.
-Bashing people, brand-names, and companies. People can get very emotional about companies or websites or people they dislike. Out of pure resentment or identification, people will support something that bashes someone or something they don’t like. Get people to identify with your article.
-Controversial topics. This is similar to the one above. People can get very emotional, and will many times support something just because they feel strongly about it.
-Breaking news. News stories that are the first to tell about a major event that people care about also go up very fast in bookmarking and sharing sites.

(4) If you have good content, how can you get people to find it? The nice thing about the social sharing sites is that they are viral. If one person likes it, they’ll tell his two friends, who will then tell their two friends… etc. etc. It builds on itself. But you have to get the first group of people. This can be challenging, but there are a couple of ways to work it out. First of all, utilize the friends that you have on that given website (this is where having a large network of friends comes in handy). Send a shout out, or leave a comment somewhere so that your content gets exposed directly on that website. Next, you’ll want to utilize any social networking sites your a part of (i.e. facebook, myspace, bebo, etc). Send a message to your friends and tell them briefly about the site. It will give you more traffic exposure. Another thing you should do is make it very easy to bookmark or share your page; put up buttons directly on your page if possible.

SEO Strategies

SEO is basically about two things: links and content. If you can get a lot of both, then you’re all set. Again, it will be a huge help if you have original

(1) How do you get good quality inbound links? Well, there are multiple ways. The best linking strategy is this: find some sort of portal where you can put up content, and link back to your site after writing an article. Make sure to use a good keyword when linking back to your site. Don’t just say, "For more info, click here." Use a keyword phrase, for example, if your site was on red racing cars… "A good site for information on red racing cars." Here are some examples of sites you could use to post content wit backlinks.
-A Squidoo lens
-A blogger devoted to this purpose
-A hub on
-An article on
-An article on
-An article on
-A Myspace blog
Don’t just post links to your homepage; if you have a blog, link to specific posts as well as your main bog URL, if you own a multi-page website, link to relevant subpages off the homepage. Now posting content with backlinks on those sites alone could get you through a whole SEO career, so don’t take this part lightly. Granted, there are many other little things you can do, but much of the rest is up to other people linking to you, which may or may not happen. Putting up content on these sites also serves a double purpose, you can get a lot of direct incoming traffic form these links. If people like your article or portal, then they’ll click through your links, and it won’t be just search engine spiders coming through. Here are two other small things you can do to boost your rankings.

(2) Look at blogs related to the topic your site is on. This way, you can stay up to date on your topic, you can see what other people think, and best of all, you can comment on their blogs with a link to your site. It’s a bad idea to just put up a comment with a link to your site; that’s spam. But if you take the time to just skim a post and write a comment addressing the post with a link at the end, people appreciate that, and sometimes they’ll even check out your blog (always a bonus).

(3) If you want to rank for a certain term, make sure you mention that keyword at least a few pages on the page you’re trying to rank in the search engines. Also, try to use that keyword, or a variant, when linking back to the page.

how to install g++ on ubuntu

The GNU C compiler is also called gcc and C++ is called g++. You
may also require the GNU make utility. All of them can get installed
by getting the build-essential package.
Just use this command:

sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install g++